Excerpts From an Article in the Grenada Informer of April 8, 2016

“In the case of Anderson Peters, a 65 m range instrument was useless in the hands of someone growing in strength and with the passion for the sport. By divine providence coach of Track Blazers-Denise Williams- opened her mouth at the right time to the right person and support came. An initial contact was made with Ewart Layne who promised that he would do what he could. Consequently, the issue was pursued, promises were fulfilled, and Andy received a first javelin last year from PETNA Foundation at the most timely moment-the right type that he should be using at this stage of his sojourn. The Javelin is worth $900 US and was described as a “Nordic Air Glider” the type used at the Olympic Games and which top Javelinists worldwide use. It is the type Trinidadian Keshon Walcott used to throw 83 m at the Olympics last year (sic) and also 90.16 in the Diamond League. The PETNA Foundation subsequently gave more javelins to Track Blazers much to the delight and satisfaction of coach Phillip and resulting in improved performances from Holly Charles, Markim Felix, Candesha Scott [Gold medalist and record breaker in the women under 20 javelin at the recent Carifta] and Anderson Peters. The PETNA Foundation has therefore earned the gratitude and admiration of all Grenada as reflected in Grenada’s performance at the recent Carifta Games.”

In addition to the above article, I understand that in the immediate aftermath of the Carifta Games Anderson place a message on his Facebook page thanking the PETNA Foundation for the assistance he received together with a picture showing one of the javelins from PETNA that he used to break the record.